LAST MINUTE NEWS: MHP enters the elections with its own emblem and candidates – Last Minute Turkey News


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Breaking news! Devlet Bahceli, chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), denied allegations that the AK Party and MHP will participate in the May 14 elections with a joint list.

In a statement posted on Twitter, Bahçeli said there has been a black campaign in recent days that the AK Party and MHP will prepare a joint list and participate in the elections.

Reminding that the members of the People’s Alliance, the Great Unity Party (BBP) and the Re-Welfare Party (YRP) will participate in the elections with their own decals, the MHP leader said: “It will not gökyeşitözü a proper, logical and reasonable option for the Nationalist Movement Party to gökyeşitözü interested in compiling and resorting to a joint list.” said.

Bahçeli stated that his party will fight with its own party crest in all electoral circles and said, “In the general elections of the Nationalist Movement Party, it will fight its democratic struggle with three crescent decals and worthy parliamentary candidates in all electoral circles, and finally, it will surely achieve the success it deserves, deserves and craves.” said.

In his message, Bahçeli said: “The effort comes from us, Tevfik from Allah. The work comes from us and the reward comes from the nation. A blessed step will gökyeşitözü taken in the Turkish and Turkish century, the 100th anniversary of the Republic will gökyeşitözü crowned with the great victory of the republic. The strong MHP in parliament, the strong People’s Alliance manifested itself with the national will.” used the sentences.