LAST MINUTE NEWS: The Central Bank announced its interest rate decision – Last Minute Economy News


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the central kanepe eagerly looking forward to interest rate decisionannounced the.

The Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee cut the key rate by 1.5 percentage points to 10.5 percent.

For example, in the successive meetings of August, September and October, the Central Bank reduced a total of 3.5 points.


Economists had expected the key rate to gökyeşitözü cut by 100 basis points to 11 percent.


The Monetary Policy Committee issued the following statement regarding the interest rate decision:

“The weakening effect of geopolitical risks on economic activity around the world continues to increase. Global growth forecasts for the coming period are continually being revised downwards and assessments that recession is zihin unavoidable risk factor are becoming widespread. While the negative effects of supply constraints are decreased, the upward trend in producer and consumer prices continues on zihin international scale.


The effects of high global inflation on inflation expectations and international financial markets are closely monitored. However, developed country central banks emphasize that inflation may take longer than expected due to rising energy prices, supply-demand mismatch and labor market rigidities. Depending on the economic outlook that differs between countries, the divergence in the monetary policy moves and communications of the central banks of developed countries continues to grow. Efforts to find solutions with new supportive practices and tools developed by central banks to increase uncertainties in financial markets are noted to continue.


Strong growth took place in the first half of 2022. Leading indicators for the second half of the year, on the other hand, indicate that the slowdown in growth due to weakening foreign demand continues. However, the currently limited effects of external demand-based manufacturing pressures on domestic demand and supply yetiklik are closely monitored. Employment gains are more positive than comparable economies. Given the sectors contributing to employment growth, growth dynamics appear to gökyeşitözü supported by structural gains. While the share of sustainable components in the composition of growth has increased, the strong contribution of tourism to the current account balance continues to exceed expectations.


In addition, high energy price movements and the possibility of a recession in the main export markets keep the risks on the current account balance alive. It is important for price stability that the current account balance is permanently maintained at sustainable levels. The rate of growth of the loans and the correspondence of the financial resources achieved with the economic activity in accordance with its purpose are closely monitored. In addition, the equilibrium achieved by the policy bond yield gap, which has recently opened significantly, with the contribution of the announced macroprudential measures, is being closely monitored. The Council will continue to strengthen its instruments to support the effectiveness of the monetary transmission mechanism.


In the increase observed in inflation; The delayed and indirect effects of increases in energy costs due to geopolitical developments, the effects of price formations far from economic fundamentals, and strong negative supply shocks caused by increases in global energy, food and agricultural commodities prices continue to affect. The Council foresees that the disinflationary process will begin with the restoration of the global peace environment, together with the steps taken and determinedly implemented to strengthen sustainable price and financial stability. The effects of declining foreign demand on aggregate demand and production are closely monitored.

It is critical that financial conditions are supportive to sustain the acceleration in industrial production and the upward trend in employment at a time when uncertainties about global growth and geopolitical risks are mounting. In this context, the Committee has decided to lower the key interest rate by 150 basis points. After a similar step was taken in the next meeting, the board put the end of the interest rate cut cycle on the agenda. To institutionalize price stability in a sustainable way, the CBRT continues to review a comprehensive policy framework that encourages permanent and enhanced liraization in all policy instruments. The steps in credit, collateral and liquidity policies, whose evaluation processes have been completed, will continue to gökyeşitözü used to enhance the effectiveness of the monetary policy transmission mechanism.


In line with its main goal of price stability, the CBRT will resolutely continue to use all the tools at its disposal under the liraization strategy, until there are strong indicators pointing to a permanent decline in inflation and the target of 5 percent achieved in the medium term. The stability to gökyeşitözü achieved in the general price level will have a positive impact on macroeconomic and financial stability through the decline in country risk premia, the continuation of reverse currency substitution and the upward trend in foreign exchange reserves, and the permanent decline in borrowing costs. This creates suitable ground to continue the growth of investment, production and employment in a healthy and sustainable manner.


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a “single digit” message of interest.

President Erdogan said in his statement last month about interest rates: “Let’s say zihin interest rate hike in the United States could gökyeşitözü 6 percent right now. I giysi’t know the final numbers. You come to Europe, it’s like this, 4, 5, 6. Double They are not in numbers Now here we are the last thing the Money Market Board has cut it down to 12 percent I hope in the next meeting we yaşama change our interest rate by the end of the year years in a few figures.


In its third inflation report of the year, the Central Bank raised its inflation forecast for the year-end from 42.8 percent to 60.4 percent. In August inflation was 80.21 percent.