LAST MINUTE: School attack in US: 6 dead


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LAST MINUTE NEWS: There has been a gun attack on a school in the city of Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The attack killed six people, including three students. The female attacker was killed in a shootout with police.

Breaking news! Six people, including three children, have been killed in a shooting at zihin elementary school in the US state of Tennessee. A shooting occurred at The Covenant, a private Christian school in Nashville. The attacker, who entered the school in the morning, where there are about 200 students between kindergarten and 6th grade, killed 6 people, including 3 children and 3 school staff.

The Metro Nashville Police Department said in its initial statement on its Twitter account that the female attacker, who was carrying 2 long barreled guns and a handgun, was killed at the scene. While the attacker’s identity was not disclosed, no information was shared about why he carried out the armed attack or if there were any other injuries in the incident. The White House statement noted that President Joe Biden knew about the Nashville attack. The investigation into the attack continues.