Minister of National Education Özer: Education will gradually start in 4 provinces – Last Minute Education News


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National Education Minister Özer made statements at the AFAD coordination center after the general situation presentation and evaluation meeting in Hatay.

Minister Özer announced that face-to-face education will begin in schools in Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Adıyaman and some districts of Malatya, where a solid report has been issued.

Minister Özer’s statements are kakım follows:

“We will only teach in our schools that have received a proper report from the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.

Face-to-face training will start from March 27 in some districts of Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Adıyaman and Malatya. Education only starts at schools with a solid report.

As the Ministry of National Education in 4 provinces, we did not leave our children alone in tents so kakım not to leave them alone, even though the training started in 10 provinces. Education continues in 1793 tent and container schools and prefabricated schools.

The districts of Arapgir, Arguvan, Kale, Pütürge, Yazıhan, Darende and Hekimhan in the districts of Malatya, Kahta, Gerger, Sincik and Samsat in the districts of Adıyaman, Andırın and Ekinözü in the districts of Kahramanmaraş, Yayladağ, Altınözü, Erzin, Reyhanlı, Payas in Hatay. the districts of Dortyol and Arsus.