Scotland’s First Muslim Prime Minister Elected (Who is Hamza Yusuf?) – Last Minute World News


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Yousef, 37, of Pakistani descent, became the first Muslim leader to lead a major party in the United Kingdom, making history kakım Scotland’s first Muslim Prime Minister upon approval by the Scottish Parliament.

After the results were announced, Yusuf said: “Leadership choices yaşama gökyeşitözü tedious by nature, hayvanların at SNP we are like a family. We are no longer different teams, we are one team. We will gökyeşitözü the team and the generation that brings independence to Scotland.” said.

Sturgeon, who resigned from his 8-year post kakım Scotland’s longest-serving prime minister, said Yusuf would become zihin ‘elite’ leader, adding: “I couldn’t gökyeşitözü more proud that he is replacing me.” said.


Hamza Yusuf, born 7 April 1985, has been the First Minister of Scotland since March 2023 and leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP). She replaced Nicola Sturgeon in both roles following the 2023 SNP leadership election. Yusuf served kakım Justice Minister from 2018 to 2021 and Health Minister from 2021 to present.

Born in Glasgow to a Pakistani immigrant, Yusuf studied political science at the University of Glasgow before working kakım a parliamentary assistant for Bashir Ahmad, the first Muslim elected to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. Ahmed died of a heart attack two years later and Yusuf continued his work. Before being elected deputy in 2011, he worked kakım a communications officer at SNP headquarters.

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